

Words Mean Things

Section 703(j) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says: Nothing contained in this subchapter shall be interpreted to require any employer, employment agency, labor organization, or joint labor-management committee subject to this subchapter to grant preferential treatment to any individual or to any group because of [...] an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number or percentage of persons of any race, color, religion, sex, or national origin [...] in comparison with the total number or percentage of persons of such race, color, religion, sex or national origin in any community [...] or in the available work force in any community [...].

There are many deep and interesting things that might be said about this subsection. I'm not planning on saying any of them. My question is this: What in the world is "an imbalance with respect to total number"? I understand what an imbalance with respect to percentage is, but as far as I can tell an imbalance with respect to total number is not a meaningful phrase. If anyone can enlighten me I'd really appreciate it.
