

Say indeed then I proceed cuz my man made a mix

I found Linda Greenhouse's career retrospective, and in particular Greenhouse's discussion of how important Sandra Day O'Connor's appointment was to her, somewhat moving. I think this says something disturbing about me. The article also makes some good, if well-known, points about the Supreme Court's function as one player in a national political issue-resolution process, though I would have appreciated it she didn't constantly refer to this process as a "dialogue." Also the concluding paragraph is a little pat.

I don't read Powerline much, but I find it odd that the title of this post, "The Resistable Rise of Barack Obama," alludes to the Brecht play, The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui, Brecht generally being associated with the radical left. It also seems to me to be a subtle implication that Obama is a fascist, but it could just be a clever title chosen for that reason alone.

On Friday I argued in the comments of a couple other blogs about the non-issue of John McCain's status as a natural born citizen. He is one.

Random passage from the The Elements of Style (4th Ed.):
Aggravate. Irritate. The first means "to add to" an already troublesome or vexing matter or condition. The second means "to vex" or "to annoy" or "to chafe."
But usage weirds language. If aggravate at one time didn't have that second meaning, surely it does by now. Evidence. Evidence that aggravate had the second meaning in 1611 (the evidence is an overly harsh reviewer of a the Elements of Style saying so).
