

Unfairly awesome

This quote is going viral, if I have anything to say about it, which I don't:
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
-This quote, from John Rogers, who co-wrote Transformers and co-created the TNT show Leverage, this quote, and his generally excellent blog (best known for the 27% crazification thesis) demonstrates something or other about not judging someone too harshly based on one aspect of their work.


Idiot wind

Dear Acting Southern District U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin:

I had been under the impression that your office was adequately staffed and not hiring new attorneys. I can see now that I was mistaken about your staffing levels. Please consider this my application.

Dear everyone who doesn't work at the U.S. A's office:

Click on that link, it's hilarious. The office submitted a scammer's e-mail as one example of the harms caused to the victims in the Madoff case.




Like MacArthur to the Philippines, except less crazy

I shall return, the blog is not defunct.



Linking to this for the main reason one would.


This way madness lies

Second in a series of recommendations of things which I haven't myself looked at and therefore based entirely on previous work by the people involved, I'd bet the Angel of Death series of webisodes starring Zoe Bell from Deathproof and written by Ed Brubaker who writes, among other things, the excellent comic book series Criminal, is good and worth watching, and I plan on finding out later. If it's not, I'll update. Update: I watched three and a half episodes, and retract the preceding paragraph.

Sorry, I'm just really hard up for things to post about, but wanted some content up anyway. I tried writing a post explaining how to read Bob Somerby in order to extract the valuable stuff without being sucked into his whirlpool of obsessions, but I couldn't explain it properly. He's important to read, at least for me, because he calls out people I usually agree with on errors which I might otherwise miss. See, e.g., his response to one of Josh Marshall's post about Bobby Jindal, here and here (you have to scroll down, the posts are long and cover multiple topics). But on the other hand, he's insane (he's recently become obsessed with Keith Olbermann, who is far from great, but Somerby is at the point where everything Olbermann does is evil).




Blind trust

I haven't read the Michael Lewis article on the financial crisis in Iceland yet, but following my rule of “read everything Michael Lewis writes,” I recommend it. Which isn't to say everything he writes is good. For instance, I didn't love either part of “The End of the Financial World As We Know It,” and “Michael Lewis tries out living in a huge house” is not worth reading. But some pieces are very good and it's worth reading any given piece on the chance that it's one of the great ones.

Updated (3/4 11:35) to make a link point to the whole of an article, rather than the end.
